The Smartest Regular Cell Phone Video


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This looks like a good phone if you need very good battery life, and good reception from that big antennae on the top.
I think this is a phone for my parents to use and love :p
This cell phone maybe good for workers like Delivery drivers, Police Officers, and Spy who need a reliable cell phone with a long battery life, and good reception because they maybe stuck in the middle of nowhere where their only way to quickly talk to people is to use a cell phone.

Some workers also need a cell phone which won't break as easily after they drop it because they depend on their cell phone for contacting people, emergencies, and getting new costumers when people find their number on an ad, phone book, or online.
This cell phone maybe good for workers like Delivery drivers, Police Officers, and Spy who need a reliable cell phone with a long battery life, and good reception because they maybe stuck in the middle of nowhere where their only way to quickly talk to people is to use a cell phone.

Some workers also need a cell phone which won't break as easily after they drop it because they depend on their cell phone for contacting people, emergencies, and getting new costumers when people find their number on an ad, phone book, or online.

Spy? I don't think a spy would be caught dead using such a stand out phone.
Spy? I don't think a spy would be caught dead using such a stand out phone.

The phone could be a good way of hiding their identity since no one will think a spy will use this phone. Most people will just think the spy is an older person, or someone who like to use retro/old tech.