The war with Libya


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appears were heading to war with Libya, it's Iraq all over again.
Hopefully, fewer Libyans will be killed by Libya 's Fighter and bomber aircraft which is ridiculous since the protesters are using guns to defend themselves from bombs and missiles.

I think the current president of Libya should turn himself into the UN, and let the people choose a new president. Sure, he would probably go to jail for the rest of his life, but he might have a chance of saving his own life and not be bombed, hanged, or electrocuted to death.
Well, there is already a groundwar with the rebels, and now with the UN, France's planes, USA's missiles, there really isnt much for Gaddafi to hide to. Apparantly he called the Africa, Asia and Latin America to help support the "freedom" or something of His country. I highly doubt Asia will all join in to help Libya, considering many are busy with helping Japan. China probably wont join with Libya for diplomatic reasons and for various other reasons yet to be known.