The Wi-Fi in your home can track your moves like Xbox Kinect


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A team at the University of Washington has rigged a standard Wi-Fi home network to detect your movements anywhere in the home and convert them into commands to control connected devices.

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Interesting, but also kind of creepy since the Wi-Fi signal program know where you are in your home, and what you are doing.
kind of creepy indeed, this could be used by hackers to invade your home knowing where you are.
I think the hackers don't even need to hack your Wi-Fi since they can just broadcast their Wifi into your home from their Wi-Fi router in their car, backpack, and know what you are doing. A creepy neighbour might also be able to use Wi-Fi to know what people are doing a few houses next to them since some Wi-Fi signals reach very far away from routers.
That's...horrifying. In the future your house will automatically tweet to all your friends when you're pooping. Possibly instagram it, too.
Yeah that's a bit creepy...*switching off router*, just kidding haha. I think it's actually pretty cool if it was used in the right hands, but then again it could be used to detect if someone was home and aid in robberies and the like, or simply just be used by creeps.
Uh ... great power, great responsibility, and all that?  It's pretty cool that this is possible, but it's a little scary at the same time.

n87 said:
That's...horrifying. In the future your house will automatically tweet to all your friends when you're pooping. Possibly instagram it, too.
It'll be like some weird version of that movie Smart House, but instead of the house going oddly corrupt it will just tweet your bowel movements.  Though I'm sure there's people out there who already do that regularly.
I think that this is actually really interesting and might be useful, however it's more-so creepy then anything else. I wouldn't want a Wi-Fi network being able to track every movement of mine within my own house. 

And to think if other people hacked into that.... not good at all. 

This could cause some major problems if it is used in a wrong way. Major security issues!
Whether it's true or not there's nothing to prove this video isn't fake. I mean when the TV changed and the fire came on what proof was there to say the hand signals actually did that.
The video is from the University of Washington, and posted on NBC website at ( ) which is one of the Top TV News networks in the US. The University of Washington and NBC are trustworthy sources of information, and they are less likely to make fake videos and stories since if this was a fake video the students and staff of the University of Washington will lose trust in their own school, and fewer high school students will pick the University of Washington to study at.

NBC will also lose its trust with its viewers. The most important thing about TV News is trust since the News is not a tabloid or Gossip Magazine which posts fake or partially true stories.