Things that some can't explain in a live stream


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Full GL Member
There are some things that we just can't explain how it happened or why did it happened but so funny to see/hear it.

I would like to share some things that I know can crack some smile at you guys, here are my 3 unopened funny links :tearsofjoy:

1. credits to WCG's match for Chile and USA

I didn't quite expect that while I was watching the stream suddenly the commentators sounded like screeched cats' voice. I bet they fast-forward some unimportant talks from the commentators. Nevertheless, the match became more fun to watch!

2. credits to Ultimate Videos

There are some things we just couldn't prevent...


3. credits to theScore esports

I don't know if he's impersonating Steve Irwin or the movie from Kangaroo Jack. The whole stream was full of awkward skits like that.

LOL!!!! I watched this live stream but didn't notice anything wrong until I saw this thread lol! I'm soooo gonna miss WCG tournament :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:
I didn't expect that to happen :D :D :D I watch the game replay to see if it is true and it was. WCG was full of surprises :D :D