Things you find frustrating about PC gaming?


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I find it kind of frustrating to play PC games when my computer needs a faster video card, more ram, or ran out of space.

I guest getting infected with a virus or spyware can also make pc gaming frustrating since Viruses can be very annoying.
Yup I get the same problems. I have every thing set but now the Power Supply is too low. I cant play high def games so gotta change it now. So frustrating!
another reason why I don't bother with PC games. too much trouble.
Well If you wanna have a PC game you should check at least the minimum requirements of that game and see if your computer can handle it. I'm currently playing Karos online and my comp meets the maximum requirements.
QUOTE (Demon_Skeith @ December 08, 2009 11:12 am) another reason why I don't bother with PC games. too much trouble.

Can you explain on why it is too much trouble?

Installing and running PC games is like installing any other program on a PC except the purpose of the game software is too entertain.

The only thing that is difficult is seeing if your PC meets the minimum requirements for the game.

Plus, upgrading PC hardware for games.
QUOTE (froggyboy604 @ December 08, 2009 03:37 pm) Can you explain on why it is too much trouble?

buy a game hard/virtual copy and put it into the game system and play it. That's all that should be to it. but if you get it for PC you got to do more then what I have said.
I read that newer consoles like the PS3 and Xbox 360 requires an install that uses up disk space.

Plus, a few games require the hard drive to take full advantage of the game, so Xbox 360 arcade users can't play with all the features on some games like Burnout: Paradise.

Game consoles are not all Put-in and play these days except for the Wii, PS2, and older gen. consoles.