Nov 8, 2010 #1 CM30 Gaming Latest Admin and Gaming Reinvented Owner Full GL Member Credits 1,006 Sorry, but this attempt at 3D for the iPad looks just like the Virtual Boy, doesn't it?
Sorry, but this attempt at 3D for the iPad looks just like the Virtual Boy, doesn't it?
Nov 8, 2010 #2 Link 70222 Well-Known Member Full GL Member Credits 2,772 I wouldn't say JUST like it, but it does look big and clunky like the Virtual Boy.
Nov 8, 2010 #3 CM30 Gaming Latest Admin and Gaming Reinvented Owner Full GL Member Credits 1,006 Yes it does, and if it's meant to be a glasses free device, it honestly fails on all counts.
Nov 8, 2010 #4 Sketch Well-Known Member Credits 3,350 Hahahahaha! Wow, taking a step back in design? That's pretty bad. Who on earth would use that?!
Nov 12, 2010 #5 C Chtulu Well-Known Member Credits 400 I remember recently hearing about this 3D phone thing from Samsung that also worked as a gaming device. However due to the screen size and memory size I think It'll be a fail.
I remember recently hearing about this 3D phone thing from Samsung that also worked as a gaming device. However due to the screen size and memory size I think It'll be a fail.
Nov 12, 2010 #6 S Star Bright Right behind you. Credits 421 Seems like they're trying to smash videogames and incredibly portable devices together. And people wonder why it doesn't work.
Seems like they're trying to smash videogames and incredibly portable devices together. And people wonder why it doesn't work.
Nov 13, 2010 #7 Vivian NOT A GIRL Full GL Member Credits 3,125 Yoshi said: Seems like they're trying to smash videogames and incredibly portable devices together. And people wonder why it doesn't work. Click to expand... DS perchance?
Yoshi said: Seems like they're trying to smash videogames and incredibly portable devices together. And people wonder why it doesn't work. Click to expand... DS perchance?