This is fluffy bunnies

Kevin Richards

Well-Known Member
I am having trouble getting the fearsome biggermon's sword. I have tried all the steps, but when I climb up death mountain it won't that-who-whatzit is supposed to make the sword won't show up. This is fluffy bunnies, y'all. I have tried the mission like six times and everytime I go near death mountain the dude-guy does not show up. So how am I supposed to get the sword made. I have went through all the steps starting with the cocco, I got the eye drops from Lake Helia.

Also in the final temple at the bottom there is a door that won't open. You know the spirit temple. The one near the where you fight the final boss. I tried putting the statue on the switch but it upens up another door. There is a switch on the other side but I can't reach it. I tried the scarecrow song but the scarecrow won't show up.

Seriously these two things are fluffy bunnies for everyone.
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Sorry this part of the game is frustrating me. Those two things. Besides they won't ban just for swearing. I mean I doubt anyone here like 8 or younger.

EDIT: There are younger members. We WILL ban for excessive swearing. Please read the rules.
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Ocarina of Time: 2

Kevin Richards: 0

Don't let the game win dude. You gotta fight it and prove that you are a worthy gamer.
The best thing I do to make the biggoron's sword quest the least bit daunting is right before I open the Door of Time, I plant a magic bean in the patch of soft soil that's in front of Dodongo's Cavern so I save a heck of a lot of time by riding the magic bean plant just in front of the trail to the summit (Where the rocks start falling).

That is the best way to get up to Biggoron so you don't have to worry much about time running out. However you still may run out of time, but this makes getting to the top a WHOLE lot easier.

I hope this helps you. Good luck!
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I don't bother getting the Biggoron sword, seems kind of useless to me. I've beaten Ocarina of Time about 6 times, and never used the Biggoron sword once.
I don't bother getting the Biggoron sword, seems kind of useless to me. I've beaten Ocarina of Time about 6 times, and never used the Biggoron sword once.

It's a huge advantage in the Master Quest.