This Might Hypnotize You (CAUTION)


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This spinning phone ring holder looks useful for people who use their smartphone's web browser and social networking apps a lot where some mobile websites look better in vertical/portrait mode, and other websites like desktop website themes look better in horizontal.

Some videos in apps like Instagram and YouTube are recorded in vertical mode where you need to hold the phone vertically to watch the video properly.

I'm surprise this phone holder ring is cheaper than most fidget spinners which cost over $10 at retail stores like Gamestop and Toys R US which sell them for $11 or more.

I guest, this phone spinning holder can also be used to create a cheap fidget spinner.
I can see this being banned.
I can see this being banned.

Using smartphones are already banned at many schools unless it is used for educational apps like dictionary apps. I think the chances of this phone spinner being banned is less likely than fidget spinners because fewer people will throw a spinning phone like a fidget spinner where kids throw them in the air to do tricks, and at each other.

But, this fidget spinner phone accessory could be banned at some workplaces like offices because it looks unprofessional to have workers spinning a fidget spinner phone which can spin for many seconds when they spin it, and it distracting users from their work.