This sums up my thoughts on 2018


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to me, it was just one fast paced, but had its mellow moments during the year. I guess it depends on what you're doing, determines the pace of that year. Just a thought. Yeah, thats how I felt too from last year! haha

thanks for sharing the funny but accurate comic
2019 will be a chaotic year. I can already feel it.

On the political landscape, it's an election year here in Canada. So that means our liberal media will be churning out anti-conservative pieces as we get closer to the election. Especially now that the turd has bailed the media companies out of debt to the tune of 600 million dollars.
I expect the far left leaning people to be out screaming bloody murder that anyone not as left leaning as them is essentially a nazi. I'll say it here/now but I expect to see a Conservative majority this term. (Trudeau is not well liked.)

On the job front I already know summer is going to be insane. We're in our slow season now... But I feel like things will be picking up pretty soon.

For myself personally, there's a fair bit I want/need to do this year. I'd love to get a proper gaming PC assembled. But I also have a few vehicle repairs to make too. (I have 2 vehicles and the AC went in both of them... right in the middle of summer. So time to spend a lot of money and get that fixed.) I also want to really bulk up my savings as for the last while I haven't really been keeping much set aside.
2019 will be a chaotic year. I can already feel it.

On the political landscape, it's an election year here in Canada. So that means our liberal media will be churning out anti-conservative pieces as we get closer to the election. Especially now that the turd has bailed the media companies out of debt to the tune of 600 million dollars.
I expect the far left leaning people to be out screaming bloody murder that anyone not as left leaning as them is essentially a nazi. I'll say it here/now but I expect to see a Conservative majority this term. (Trudeau is not well liked.)

On the job front I already know summer is going to be insane. We're in our slow season now... But I feel like things will be picking up pretty soon.

For myself personally, there's a fair bit I want/need to do this year. I'd love to get a proper gaming PC assembled. But I also have a few vehicle repairs to make too. (I have 2 vehicles and the AC went in both of them... right in the middle of summer. So time to spend a lot of money and get that fixed.) I also want to really bulk up my savings as for the last while I haven't really been keeping much set aside.

your election can't be worse than ours.
I have no idea what'll happen if trudeau gets term 2. I mean he's not well liked already and each passing day it seems like the anger towards him grows.
Unlike in the USA, here a person can keep going as long as they're elected. Our previous prime minister (Steven Harper) had three terms and would have had his fourth if he won over trudeau.
Which means if people are dumb and keep forgetting the stupid crap trudeau has pulled or remain blindsided by whatever promises he makes during his election campaign, he can remain in office as long as he wins.