Thoughts on Brutal Mario and its development?


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If anyone's been part of the Super Mario World modding community for the last few years, they probably know about Brutal Mario. An ASM, gimmick heavy game made by an unknown Japanese user called carol, it's been in on and off development for the last decade or so...

It's also been one with a turbulent history. Put simply, the amount of idiots and liars starting hoaxes and rumours about this game is ridiculous. You've got fake demos from those claiming to work on the endgame:

Fake talk about a 'cave demo' with extra gimmicky levels:

And some guy on Youtube saying he's supposedly working with carol:

So yeah, thoughts? I've got some cool stuff for the next post.
Okay, confused on so many things here...

First, I thought you didn't speak Japanese, so how have you been working with Carol if they are Japanese? Not saying I disbelieve you, just curious as to the process you use for communication. I used to use an auto-translator app on AIM back in 2003/2004 to speak with my Japanese contact. Was wondering if it is a lot of you using online translators or do you have an auto-translater or what?

Secondly, what's so special about Brutal Mario? From that video I just watched it just looked like a run of the mill SNES-style Mario World with a couple cool little new features added. I see it needs some framerate touch ups but other than that it looked complete.
Okay, confused on so many things here...

First, I thought you didn't speak Japanese, so how have you been working with Carol if they are Japanese? Not saying I disbelieve you, just curious as to the process you use for communication. I used to use an auto-translator app on AIM back in 2003/2004 to speak with my Japanese contact. Was wondering if it is a lot of you using online translators or do you have an auto-translater or what?

Secondly, what's so special about Brutal Mario? From that video I just watched it just looked like a run of the mill SNES-style Mario World with a couple cool little new features added. I see it needs some framerate touch ups but other than that it looked complete.

He does speak English. Barely, but enough so. The newest demo is in English (the first level is actually called 'Hey I am Mario!'

As for why Brutal Mario inspires such a fandom... it's the tech. It's like, a super over the top SNES tech demo.

It's like Extra Mario Bros or Mario Adventure 2, less a game and more a console tech showcase.
Oh, okay. I was hoping to snag the translation app from you if you had one, was why I asked. I can speak Japanese but I cannot read or write it in the native characters, just romanji.

Heh, he runs it in Zsnes; the same emulator I've used since the 90's lol Mario having Mega Man 2 Wood Man's Leaf Shield ability is pretty cool, although I'm not sure as to its effects in that video. It appears as though it is making him invincible / immune completely rather than just as a projectile barrier / wall. Also, oh my god, he actually took Rain Main's bloody annoying stage and made it more annoying? Aughtta be interesting to play.