Thoughts on Steam in general?


Gaming Latest Admin and Gaming Reinvented Owner
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Do you like the service and what it's done for PC gaming, or are you worried about its effects?

I ask this because there seems to be a bit of a divide between those who like Steam and what it offers and those who dislike how it seems to be trying to turn PC gaming into console gaming with all that DRM stuff.

What do you think?
I personally like it a great deal. One of the better parts about it is that smaller developers have the chance to release their games on steam and get a start there as opposed to having to jump through all of the hoops and ladders that bigger companies might put them through. It sucks though because a lot of the content found among these new developers is pretty lack luster, but it's a start. It also helps that all of my games are conveniently in one place for personal usage as opposed to having to use a complex folder system to keep track of everything.
It's okay. I hardly use it though and I don't think I've logged on to it in weeks since my computer restarted, but it's a system that works so it's good enough for me. I just need a better computer to actually run games.
I personally quite like Steam. I'm not a huge PC gamer, and I also am on a Mac so that greatly limits what I can play, but I do appreciate Steam immensely for being a hub for games. If it weren't for it, I would likely not own any games at all for my computer, and I'd be missing out on titles that I've put 200+ hours into, which in my mind makes it well worth having. Plus those Steam sales. Picked up a couple games I wouldn't have got otherwise, and with one or two exceptions, they've been good purchases.
I adore Steam, and have never had any major problems with it. I love having all my games, in one place, where I can sort and organize and access them through one system, that I can then access from any computer that has Steam installed. Like, I dog sat for my parents out of town the other day for a week. I took my husbands laptop, signed in on my account on Steam, was able to download any of my games and play them there with no trouble, it even pulls the saves a lot of time if they're cloud enabled. I also like that it tracks how much time I spend on games too lol, keeps me from cluttering up my desktop with tons of game icons, and you can't deny the wonder of Steam Sales. I've been avidly waiting for the Steam Summer Sale with a wishlist of like 70 games on there I'd like to get at some point.

Yeah, they do some controversial and shortsighted stuff like the paid mod market sometimes, and I hear a lot of people complaining about DRM, but I've never had any issues with them. Works perfectly for me!