Thoughts on the Five Nights at Freddy's games?


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I haven't played them myself, but it seems like the internet is kind of going a bit crazy over them nowadays. Just see all the views the videos get on Youtube...

So yeah, thoughts on the series in general?
I don't care for the games, but I like the story that Game Theory does on them. Like I don't care for horror as it is, but this is nothing but jumpscares, and that's the lowest form of horror you can go because it's just a cheap scare. I prefer atmospheric scares.
I found the first one as well as all the spin-offs people make of it dreadfully boring. I honestly don't see the appeal. I'd rather suffer through Vampire Rain or The Witcher 2 than play any of them for 15 minutes.
I really like them, even though I've never played them. I can't do anything scary unfortunately. But I really like the story, and the way it's told, because it's something you have to actively seek out- it isn't simply told to you. Plus I'm fond of anything that can inspire a community to the creative heights of the FNaF community. All the art, videos, playthroughs, fan games, theories.. It's fun just to see what people come up with.

It's definitely not for everyone, really seems to be of a 'either you like it or you hate it' style game.
Just learned Warner Brothers picked up the license to make an official full-length movie for FNaF. Also learned they are still planning to make the Tetris Movie... I think a part of me just died inside.
Just learned Warner Brothers picked up the license to make an official full-length movie for FNaF. Also learned they are still planning to make the Tetris Movie... I think a part of me just died inside.
I heard about that, but a Tetris movie? How!? Well I mean how do you make a FNAF movie that won't be boring? I mean it's one thing to sit in a room for five nights, but watching someone on screen do that seems a little boring.
I heard about that, but a Tetris movie? How!? Well I mean how do you make a FNAF movie that won't be boring? I mean it's one thing to sit in a room for five nights, but watching someone on screen do that seems a little boring.
I'm assuming it will be like Assassin's Creed: Liberation and be a prequel to the game that sets the story for why everything is transpiring but more in-depth, like the first Resident Evil movie did.

The Tetris movie is what makes me feel 'ugh' when I think about it. Unless they made it like the old fan-spoof trailer from like 2005.
I'd actually watch THAT! But no, instead, what we are getting is this:

I'm just as skeptical as I am about the new movie Pixel with Adam Sandler based on old 80's games.
I too am disappointed in them intending to make a FNaF movie. For me, the best part of the games is that the story isn't just told to you, it's something that you have to look for yourself, and piece together. I just don't think a movie (especially the type of crazy blockbuster that mainstream movie producers will want to try to create) is going to be able to pull it off with enough finesse that the movie isn't simply boring, but keeps the same spooky atmosphere and slow discovery of the horror of what the story is actually about.
I assume the Five Nights at Freddy's movie will be made very different plotwise to fit a movie. So probably a hybrid of all three with more action and less subtly.
Or, what they could've done was buy the rights to the franchise for making a movie without any plans of actually making it. Why? Because then they would have the legal rights to make the movie if they ever wanted to without having to worry about anyone else owning the rights to do so. In all honesty, I don't see how they could make a movie off of tetris or angry birds or even this. Seems a bit too out there.
Or, what they could've done was buy the rights to the franchise for making a movie without any plans of actually making it. Why? Because then they would have the legal rights to make the movie if they ever wanted to without having to worry about anyone else owning the rights to do so. In all honesty, I don't see how they could make a movie off of tetris or angry birds or even this. Seems a bit too out there.
Agreed. Two words; Grumpy. Cat.
I'm of the opinion that they're not anywhere close to being worth the hype they generate. I hate jump scares, both from the perspective that they tend to unnerve me more than I'd like to admit, and they're cheap, cheap horror tactics. I don't know enough about the plot to comment there, but if you're going to make something horror, do it right and minimize (or completely remove) the jump scares…best horror thing I've ever seen had absolutely no jump scares, and the fact they made such a solid atmosphere without it makes me applaud the creators.

Also, I'm with you all on the movies…bad idea.
I'm rather excited for the FNAF movie. I loved the games (the third one, especially), and there are some perverted fan games (*cough* Five Nights in Anime *cough*), some of them are really well-made.
But... a TETRIS MOVIE?!?! Seriously??!?!?!?!?!?!?! I agree with Aensland about the fan trailer of the Tetris movie taking place in the future, and Tetris is a sort of sport. But, really? Aliens?

Also, hopefully the FNAF movie can be as good as this...
