Thoughts on the Warcraft Movie?


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Here's the trailer, in case you haven't seen it:

Personally... I'm hesitant to waste time seeing this thing. I mean, video game movies have a really bad reputation for a reason, and given that even the better 'looking' ones weren't very good (Prince of Persia being a prime example), I don't have high hopes for this.

But what about you?
I'm in two minds on this. My initial reaction was "oh no, this is going to be a flop!", purely for the same reason you stated. Games put into movies have had a bad reputation, one in my opinion being Prince of Persia (as you say) and one which probably overtakes Prince of Persia is Super Mario Smash Bros . The game was brilliant I thought, but the movie could of been so much better. On the other hand, I would love to see what they can do with this movie as the options for it are endless.