Thoughts on the whole 'repro' scene?


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Basically, the sites/businesses that seem to sell translations and hacks for a few hundred dollars a piece?

For example:

Personally, I've always thought of it as somewhat questionable. Especially given how they have permission from neither the company or the actual hacker/translation team...

But what do you think?
I've actually seen that happen to Super Famicom fan translations of Clock Tower and Final Fantasy V. They're both auctioned at rather absurd prices online, though.

I think that serious collectors get more out of those, but what's wrong with owning the original Super Famicom cartridges? While the Japanese may turn many off, you'd be paying significantly less for a whole set than a Super Nintendo cartridge by itself.
What I consider wrong is selling what are basically fan games for money (none of which goes to either Nintendo or the actual developer/modder).