Thoughts on this Skyward Sword styled hack of Twilight Princess?


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It's certainly a bit brighter than the original game, and some aspects do look fairly good. However, part of me thinks the stylings of Skyward Sword and Ocarina of Time just don't really map too well to the world of Twilight Princess, and they make it just look a bit too bright and garish.

But what do you think?
While I'm not trying to undermine the sheer amount of work that had to go into it, the grass textures he used for the non-cuttable grass, both on the walls and on the ground, is rather simplistic compared to the original. On the whole though, I like the changes from an aesthetic standpoint…my main qualm is that it wouldn't fit the style. TP was a much darker game than SS, and I feel having the bright and cheerful colors would've detracted from the feel of the game. It's all fine and good to prefer one visual style or another (I don't have a strong preference), but the game should have art to match. I thought TP's art was very well done for the feel it was going for, and I think that changing it wouldn't benefit it in the long run.