Mecha animes are one of the spectacular anime genres in existence. Your childhood would never be complete without watching a single episode of a mecha anime and fighting out your robot toys against your friends. With that in mind, let’s look back at some of the greatest mech battles in anime history. Feel free to add some more in the comments!
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann vs. Granzeboma in “Gurren Lagann”
Who would have thought that you could use galaxies as weapons? This gigantic (and we mean galaxy-sized gigantic) mech battle between the Anti-Spiral and the united mechas of Team Dai-Gurren is just satisfying to watch! Imagine flinging an entire galaxy like a throwing knife! Watch the celestial battle here:
Lockon Stratos (Dynames) vs. Ali-al Saachez (Throne Zwei) in "Gundam 00"
In an attempt to get revenge for all the innocent lives that were mercilessly killed, Lockon goes head on to destroy the evil army who did it. However, a Throne comes into his way and fights Dynames to death. Get your tissues/napkins ready for this one:
Amuro (Original Gundam) vs. Char (Zeong) in "Mobile Suit Gundam"
Who would forget this legendary battle between the original Gundam and Zeong? Both enraged by the death of innocent people, Amuro and Char fight each other despite having their severely damaged and decapitated mobile suits. These two mechas have been rivals since the beginning of the series, and their final battle is as iconic as the series itself. Relive the action here:
If you wanted to witness a real mech battle, you can check out the Ganker Arena Tournament in the recently concluded 2019 World Cyber Games. They’ve got real mechs controlled by motion sensors attached to their controllers. While not really Gundam-sized, this mech battle tournament is still an amazing battle to witness.
Check it out here: WCG 2019 Xi’an - World Cyber Games
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann vs. Granzeboma in “Gurren Lagann”
Who would have thought that you could use galaxies as weapons? This gigantic (and we mean galaxy-sized gigantic) mech battle between the Anti-Spiral and the united mechas of Team Dai-Gurren is just satisfying to watch! Imagine flinging an entire galaxy like a throwing knife! Watch the celestial battle here:
Lockon Stratos (Dynames) vs. Ali-al Saachez (Throne Zwei) in "Gundam 00"
In an attempt to get revenge for all the innocent lives that were mercilessly killed, Lockon goes head on to destroy the evil army who did it. However, a Throne comes into his way and fights Dynames to death. Get your tissues/napkins ready for this one:
Amuro (Original Gundam) vs. Char (Zeong) in "Mobile Suit Gundam"
Who would forget this legendary battle between the original Gundam and Zeong? Both enraged by the death of innocent people, Amuro and Char fight each other despite having their severely damaged and decapitated mobile suits. These two mechas have been rivals since the beginning of the series, and their final battle is as iconic as the series itself. Relive the action here:
If you wanted to witness a real mech battle, you can check out the Ganker Arena Tournament in the recently concluded 2019 World Cyber Games. They’ve got real mechs controlled by motion sensors attached to their controllers. While not really Gundam-sized, this mech battle tournament is still an amazing battle to witness.
Check it out here: WCG 2019 Xi’an - World Cyber Games