Tips on getting a cell phone


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I'm in need of a cell phone since I never own one (everybody in the world gasps), so I'm looking for tips on getting a good cell phone which I will mainly use for little calling and mostly texting. This is what I have gathered thus far:

For T-Mobile, get the G2. For Verizon, get the Droid 2. For AT&T, get the iPhone 4.

best reception: Verizon the most, then T-Mobile, then AT&T. Those are in order of most reception. Sprint is just... awful.

can anybody add onto that? and what I am really looking for is phone service pricing. The part that really sucks on your wallet.
I'm not sure Rogers or Telus operate in the States. When I owned a cell phone, I just use Virgin Mobile Prepaid cell phone where you need to buy a card for 15-20 dollars a month. I used a cheap Samsung Flip phone, and the reception was pretty good.
Walmart has a good selections of Prepaid Cellphones :

The NET10 Motorola 408 GSM Handset

might be good based on the reviews.

I don't really like contract based phones because if you go over the amount of minutes, texts, or bandwidth, it can get very expensive because you have to pay overage fees, and you are stuck with them for 1-2+ years till your contract ends.
Do NOT get Straight Talk!!!! I had them for awhile. It's a trac phone company, 45 bucks for unlimited text, talk and web so good deal....

But if your phone breaks during your one year warranty good luck getting a new one, or even a refund...

I got never got a replacement for my first phone, and my second phone was never refunded...both of them were defective.
wal-mart has some good priced phones, I thought anything with a keyboard costed 100+

and I take it any of these prepaid cell phones can have more minutes added by paying it with a credit card or buying a minutes card.
I just use prepaid cards since you just need to punch in a code without worrying about the phone company taking out too much money from your credit card by mistake.
my phone is an LG I like them, they last from a long time and aren't confusing. My phone slides up and it came off the track so it's currently duct taped together, but it was my aunt's phone for like five years so it served its purpose well
The internet takes minutes/money away from your prepaid card, so you have fewer minutes/money to spend on calls or fewer texts if text cost a few text per text. The browsers are not usually very good compared to your computer's browser.
I only used my internet for facebook really, sucked for anything else. I don't miss it.
They are good for about a month or longer depending on how much you pay for the cards. Some companies let you use your old minutes you purchase as long as you keep buying new minutes next month before they expire.