to hell with the law system!


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So I read the newspaper this morning and they got a article about this guy who owns this place and everything in it and rents it out to people which is fully supplied with appliances and such. These guys are late on their rent so the guy goes to collect it and when he gets there he sees people moving out with all the stuff in the apartment which at this time was now messed up.

So the guy calls the cops to have it stopped and when they get there the police deem it a civil manner and there unable to intervene. This just leaves the guy standing there unable to do a thing and just watch all of his stuff get taken.

So in short the legal system is a bunch of bull, the police have no moral standers, and that guy should have gone shot gun no those robbers asses.

Your thoughts?
I'm disapointed at the police since they did not charge the robbers with theft or investigated the crime.
This is EXACTLY why I would be hesitant on becoming a landlord. Anyway, for me, a number of questions come to mind.. did he have a property manager and a live-in superintendent? Did he have a security deposit? Did he require one prior to them moving in? Did he do a background check? Etc. etc.. If not, then that was a big mistake right there. The property manager could have kept an eye on the place, and the live in super could have done random periodic inspections to make sure that the apartment was in working order, and that the appliances were still there.

The cops may not have been able to do anything at that moment, but there is a lot the landlord can do from a legal perspective.

For one thing, if he did his homework before becoming a landlord, he could have required a valid ssn, 2 yrs worth of paystubs, drug testing, no criminal record, credit check, and a background check on the people before allowing them to move in. This way he would have had an idea as to the kind of people his tenants were and also could go after them legally in court should something like his happen. He could have also taken date stamped pictures of each of the units before tenants moved in, an kept them on file, and does the same after they had left.

This is also why you have a deposit. So that should something like this happen, then they don't get their deposit back. I would make sure that the total cost of the items did not exceed the cost of the monthly rent, and I would require at least 2 months rent as a security deposit and they would also have to pay the first and last months rent prior to moving in.

So, if I am charging, $1200 a month in rent, they would need $4800 to move in. They would have to be LEGAL U.S. citizens of this country, and with full working comprehension of the English language. They would also have to show me their pay stubs from the previous 2 years, and they would have to be employed by the same company during this time, and with excellent employer references. They would need good references from previous landlords, excellent credit, no criminal record, and they would also have to pass a drug test.

If the rent was even 2 weeks late, then I would have made sure that the Super and property manager was there yesterday, to find out what was going on. And I would have made sure that I had direct contact with the tenant themselves.

It might seem harsh, or a bit much but sometimes you have to be this way to protect yourself. I know this because I am currently a renter in NYC. These things are required of you before you can even be CONSIDERED for a lease.

I hope that the appliances stolen weren't high end. I know this may sound classist, but I think that high end items are better reserved for high end people. I would put these items only in the super's apartment, as a thank you, since he would be living there, and would be making the repairs in the building and wealthy or financially stable tenants. Otherwise, only cheap, standard grade appliances would be put in the units, or, they would have to supply them, so that I wouldn't lose out on my investment should something like this happen.
I think he deserves it, because there are tons of ways he could have prevented this.

I personally would have stopped them myself, with my own fists, and maybe even my own shotgun.
I kind of agree that these days it can be more reliable to put the law in your own hands by owning a dog, weapon, or knowing Karate.
By taking the law into your own hands you are pretty much giving the victory to the bad guys. This guy would not have lost out if he were more careful as to the type of people he'd want as tenants. Even still, if he did everything right, then he can press charges, and go after them for unpaid rent, destruction of private property, emotional distress, reimbursement of legal fees, in addition to the theft of his property. If he required a valid SSN and really did his homework then he can go after them.
I'm going to keep my post short. I have a history of getting to deep into arguments of stuff like this, but the thing is, no one listens to me because I'm a kid. Anyway, the law is here to keep order intact, but it ultimately fails due to corrupt politicians and corrupt laws. The politicians take bribes, or if they like the person accused, they'll pass them by. They don't give two shits about the people, only their personal gain. The law isn't what it seems. They let murderers, pedophiles, or rapists get away with stuff that they did even if they know they did it. Why? I have no idea. Personal gain? Can't find "enough" proof? And what about freedom of speech? If we speak out against the government, you won't be seen again. If you speak out in hate, you won't be seen again. Pretty much if you speak out at all, your going to be screwed by the government.