To win the lottery, just buy 292,201,338 tickets


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The lottery has swelled up to the billions, the first time ever since most lottery signs don't go past the millions. So if you really want to win it, you just have to buy 292,201,338 lottery tickets which is every possible combination that there is, though at 2 dollars a piece, that equals to $584,402,676 USD. By the time the taxes and everything else comes out of the winnings, you would get back less than what you spent.

Anyone here trying for it?
The lottery has swelled up to the billions, the first time ever since most lottery signs don't go past the millions. So if you really want to win it, you just have to buy 292,201,338 lottery tickets which is every possible combination that there is, though at 2 dollars a piece, that equals to $584,402,676 USD. By the time the taxes and everything else comes out of the winnings, you would get back less than what you spent.

Anyone here trying for it?
Well, if the jackpot is over 1 billion, and you invested half a billion in tickets, I don't see how you would get back less than what you spent. I doubt that the taxes would take away more than half of your earnings...
Well, if the jackpot is over 1 billion, and you invested half a billion in tickets, I don't see how you would get back less than what you spent. I doubt that the taxes would take away more than half of your earnings...

The lottery winnings, state pending, goes through 2 or 3 taxes before it reaches the winner and they take a nice bite out of it.
That is really messed up, but then again I wouldn't know how that works because I have never been interested in playing the lottery.

even after all the taxes it's still a nice lump sum. Granted what they do is what they do to our work checks, I can make 500 dollars but after taxes and other crap I'm barely getting 400.
If I had that sort of money then I wouldn't be bothering with a lottery xD