Tomb Raider (360 and PS3)


Bought this game on sale for Black Friday on XBLA for $15! I was blown away at everything! Graphics, sounds, controls, story, voicework - all top notch! No control problems and no glitches or bugs popped up either! If I were to review this game I'd give it a 9/10 only because I feel it needs a New Game + mode. I 100%ed the game but have a couple of achievements left to get (kills with other weapons than the bow you get at the beginning) since I pretty much used only the bow to kill everyone. I don't really feel like getting half-way through the game again just to get the other weapons and milk the achievements, which is why a NG+ would be more than useful.

Now! Why am I posting all of this? To save you all money! Do NOT buy the DLC TOMB OF THE ADVENTURER! It is a complete waste of money! it is like 2 minutes long (seriously... I ran through it in about that time) andgives no reward but 150 salvage (used to upgrade weapons... I had all upgrades with like 1k salvage left over before DLing the tomb) and 500 XP (also useless). I honestly don't think it was worth more than .50 cents!

Other than that, great game and I hope to be able to post a review for it when the review site gets up and running. Maybe I'll post one here when I feel better.
Which one? Legend or Under World? There's two of them for the 360.

Tomb Raider - Legend and underworld were PS2 not 360 or ps3. the new one has no subtitle in the name - which is why I placed the "360 and PS3" there to distinguish it from the previous gen. It is a retelling of the story with a new Lara Croft. :D
Which one? Legend or Under World? There's two of them for the 360.

Tomb Raider - Legend and underworld were PS2 not 360 or ps3. the new one has no subtitle in the name - which is why I placed the "360 and PS3" there to distinguish it from the previous gen. It is a retelling of the story with a new Lara Croft. :D

But I own both Legend and Underworld for 360. I was unaware of a new one. I'll have to check it out if I ever get around to playing Underworld. It's not as fun as Legend...
Which one? Legend or Under World? There's two of them for the 360.

Tomb Raider - Legend and underworld were PS2 not 360 or ps3. the new one has no subtitle in the name - which is why I placed the "360 and PS3" there to distinguish it from the previous gen. It is a retelling of the story with a new Lara Croft. :D

But I own both Legend and Underworld for 360. I was unaware of a new one. I'll have to check it out if I ever get around to playing Underworld. It's not as fun as Legend...

I loved the story for the two and how they were directly related, but this one is a whole new envisioning of the story with a new Lara, so remember that. You won't be exploring a tomb and fighting demons and aliens like the original games... you'll be in the jungles of Japan solving a mystery about an ancient mythological Sun Goddess as you try to flee for your life from a cult out to kill you. Lara is not trained in combat outside of a bow and has no weapons or anything at the start so the story is all about how you get to see her develop from a frightened teenager into a ruthless killing machine by the end.

The voice artist who plays Lara also acted out all of the scenes with a blue-screen and special outfits (A mocab) and then the programmers added graphics over it, so all of the animations are very realistic. You can watch the making of the game on 360. the voice artist is really pretty and looks a lot like the new Lara too, so I hope they make a live action based on the game and have her play Lara.
If you mean the new Tomb Raider that came out a few months back, I have that on Steam, just haven't gotten around to playing it yet. I'll have to check it out!
Man now you guys make me want to get it. I was gonna be just fine with this flying under my radar but now I might just snag it during the next Steam sale.
I agree %100 ! I played this a while back and i have not been able to find a single thing to complain about in the game.

This has to be the most underrated game of 2013. This game is borderline Survival Horror. I can't express enough just how much fun i had with this game.

With over 40 games for my PS3 i can easily say that this is one of my favorites. :)
It's the free game of the month for PS+ subscribers on the PS3 so I went ahead and got it! Enjoying it so far. I've never played a Tomb Raider game so this should be interesting.