Too much online activity


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There is too much online activity lately.

May be because of that, servers are getting too much traffic and the hosting providers couldn't provide 100% uptime anymore ;_;
Covid-19 is to blame for that.
Just going to move this to the right area, but your thinking is right, our internet backbone was never meant to have everyone on at once. From my understanding, netflix and other stream services had to disable 4k because they can't have everyone stream that at once.
Yep too much I say even I used to.
Since I am getting 400 GB of data on wifi which is more than enough for me on regular days, but now I used to buy extra data on these lockdown days...
I being having a lot of issues with my network being slow guess I am not the only one same as netflix guess I am not the only
The internet slowdown problems maybe caused by realtime video chat which need a faster internet connection speed to talk to two or more people in realtime over the internet without much lag.

I feel video chat is being used very often for work, school, and fun which may cause the slowdown problem to be worst. Some people may have set their video chat video quality settings to HD video resolutions instead of 360P to 480P which uses less bandwidth than HD video resolutions.
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Yep too much I say even I used to.
Since I am getting 400 GB of data on wifi which is more than enough for me on regular days, but now I used to buy extra data on these lockdown days...
Yeah that's true
They are not going to pull this up for long. I wonder when the lockdown ends.
There definitely is a bit more online activity then usual. That can definitely be said. While the pandemic is terrible and sad I will say some forum owners are seeing much more traffic. I've been hearing forum activity has been increasing for certain niches. But what can we say, because of the stay at home order it is to be expected.