Tournament / Contest Ideas?

Magikarp Ownd

Do you know who ate all the donuts?
I guess it's about time these start up. Any suggestions? It would kind of be a waste to make a tournament or contest with a whole rules list and everything and people not like it, and I've been thinking of a few ideas for the past couple of days, so I wanted to see if anyone liked anything.

-Pokemon Tournament - pretty self explanatory.
--Little Cup Pokemon Tournament - Based off of the Little Cup used in the Pokemon Center coloseum, where pokemon are level five, and have to be the basic evolution of a Pokemon in a 3 stage chain.
--Legendary Cup / No Legendary Cup - pretty self explanatory.
-Describe [Insert video Game / Character / Miscellaneous] here in one [word / phrase / sentence / paragraph] - sounds kind of cool, judges choose whose entry is the best.
-Create a [Insert series name here] character - from the Mario series to Brawl, this one could be pretty interesting. Give a little information of how they fit into the story, maybe they're relations to other characters.
-Time Trial Tournament - pretty much for any racing game, just specify a track and see who gets the best time on it, then go to round 2 with a different track. Maybe specify a certain vehicle or character members must use to race.

What do you guys think? Can anybody come up with anything else?
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^Interesting, care to explain what you mean?