PlayStation Trails Of Cold Steel III Coming October 22 2019


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YES! Trails Of Cold Steel III is just announced by NISA, Fall 2019 PS4 exclusive !
First trailer is up with the same English Rean's VA from Cold Steel 1 and 2, hopefully the rest of the cast will have the same English VAs too.
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More info should be coming from PAX South, the booth:

Read some comments from Rean's Va twitter, Sean Chiplock
Sean Chiplock on Twitter

"The same wonderful booth director behind the first 2 games was on board for the trailer, so I had no doubt she would get exactly what she needed out of me!"

"How coincidental that Rean will have matured into a much more confident and determined individual, at the same time I've developed into a more confident actor. The timing couldn't be more perfect."
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YEEEEEEEEESSSSSWWWaaaaaaaiiittt.... isn't being done by the same people who fucked up the Ys 7 english dubbing?

At least they sort of "fixed" it with a patch for that. Either way I am willing to give NISA a chance despite their track record as with this one they are bringing in the people that did 1 and 2 dub and translation from Xseed.
Just saw these pics, lol Jusis dancing with Millium:


More info from Pax and siliconera

NIS America held its PAX South 2019, and a number of details about The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III script has appeared as a result. For example, 1,111,111 words, made up of 2.5 million Japanese characters, are being translated by the team, which includes past The Legend of Heroes translators and editors.

The portion of the panel going over The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III focused on the massive size of the game. It began by giving examples of standard article sizes, noting that plays could be 5,000-10,000 words, movie scripts would be around 7,500-20,000 words, and books could be around 80,000-150,000 words. It then pointed out that The Witcher III had a 450,000 word script, Dragon Age: Origin‘s had 740,000 words, Assault Spy had around 49,620 words, and Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony had about 977,777 words.

And with Brittany back as the Localization Producer, translation should be fine with this one. And Ryan said on his twitter:

" guess the cat's out of the bag so might as well confirm my involvement in Trails of Cold Steel III, not just as a translator but also proofing most of the text to ensure everything remains consistent and/or catch anything that might slip under the other team members' radars."
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Not to mention the Crossbell games' scripts, which technically they are also part of the story as a whole.
ahh yes, I believe they were touched upon on the end of the second game. There is a lot to this series I need to catch up on.

Indeed. And read some rumors on NISA is also in talks with Falcom on translating the Crossbell games too.
I be down for that. Isn't there a third game series to this as well? I think I picked up the anime movie recently.

Indeed we need the entire full story translated. I think there are only 2 Crossbell Games, there is another one but it's just the same game with improvements sort of like Dragon Quest 11 S.
isn't there a series called legend of heroes as well? That's what I mean.
Yes but I think it's a different saga altogether. Cold steel is connected with the Crossbell games and trails in the sky series.
Saw a Rean Fan art from twitter: