E3 Transference


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A new psychological thriller VR game due to hit stores sometime next year.
I feel like their whole marketing point is just having Elijah Woods in it and that's it. The trailer barely showed anything really... where's the actual gameplay footage?

Impossible to give it a good judgment based on what they've shown so far.
All I got from the trailer is it's a psychological thriller VR game. I don't know why they even used Elijah Woods to promote it, they should've provided a gameplay footage or people might not buy the game.
Vr games seem to be small budget.

Its still somewhat new and not completely accepted by the majority. Although, the trailer might not have shown much, it was creepy, that's for sure. And having Frodo to talk for Ubisoft makes it even worse. Can not unsee!
Well, I mean with what we got I can really only say that I have my reservations. I mean, for starters, I do like the idea of it. I'm a big fan of psychological thriller/horror films and other media that mess with your mind, so I'm down for the idea they're trying to sell. However, I also think that this can either turn out super good or generally "meh." What they're promising kind of seems like a lot to be honest, so it might end up a generally underwhelming experience.
Well, I mean with what we got I can really only say that I have my reservations. I mean, for starters, I do like the idea of it. I'm a big fan of psychological thriller/horror films and other media that mess with your mind, so I'm down for the idea they're trying to sell. However, I also think that this can either turn out super good or generally "meh." What they're promising kind of seems like a lot to be honest, so it might end up a generally underwhelming experience.

Yeah, trailers seem to show wonders, but the game can come out as terrible insult to gaming industry. I hope they will focus on the story more. I like the idea of psychological horrors as well, although if it comes to be just a simple jump and scare game that would be sad. If they combine both, we might have a great VR title and endless screams of terrors to wake up our neighbors in the night. :grin: