Turkey earthquake victim stashed $2 Million cash at home

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Wow! That is something isn't it! I wonder if they'll put the money to good use to help those affected by this earthquake. I mean, yes, it IS his money but with that much, you got to suspect shady dealings.
Having that kind of money in cash and stashed at home while there are a lot of people in the world that needs help. I can't wrap my head on why such thing occurs.
Having that kind of money in cash and stashed at home while there are a lot of people in the world that needs help. I can't wrap my head on why such thing occurs.
Everyone won't be a philanthropist. It's a sad reality. Some people don't just care about others.
I always feel the government is involved with drugs in one way or another.

A popular man that ruled my country in the past said that any crime that lingers more than 24 hours, just know that the government are benefiting from it.