Turtle Beach Offically Making PS4 Headsets


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Turtle Beach has entered a partnership with Sony, meaning the gaming audio monolith will be tasked with creating official gaming headsets for PlayStation 4.

The headsets will come in both tournament-grade editions as well as a cheaper version for the average consumer, and will be unveiled this summer before landing in stores in autumn.

As an additional bonus, the headsets will also be compatible with PS Vita.

Anyone happy about this?
I'm not thrilled about this.

But then again, I'm not overly fond of Turtle Beach since their durability seems kinda low for their price.

I've had two sets of their headsets, both PX21s, break on me under low wear and tear. (By low wear and tear I mean taking them off gently and then setting them, and the entire cord, on a shelf so that their cords aren't tugged on or yanked and so they don't fall to the floor.) Each headset lasted less than a year to boot. One the cord pulled out where it connects to the speaker, the other just broke apart at the headband that connects the speakers. And I've heard of others who had also had similar issues and gone through 3-5 pairs.
 Yeah, I'm a turtle beach fan. I don't really care for how much they will cost either. I'll buy them(when I get the system).

The only reason I don't have a ps4 yet is because there were not good headsets available yet and they don't have enough good games yet. With one stone out of the way I may have the buy.
If you can find one... Aren't they still having problems keeping them (PS4s) in stock?

More games for the PS4 will be coming... 
InFamous: Second Son looks awesome.
MGS5, although I haven't seen much of it yet still intrigues me.  
I'm torn on Destiny in that I like how it looks, but I HATE always online in games... So I sort of don't want anything to do with it.

Driveclub might be interesting if you like racers. (I'm not a huge fan, so I'm going to pass on it.)

Though it looks like from the Turtle Beach site that some older headphones now work on PS4... (Since on the page I linked before it stated that PX21s work on PS4 after firmware update 1.5)