TUVVA Power Play GameTab Google Android Gaming Tablet with controls DEMO


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The long-awaited Power Play gaming tablet adds physical buttons and cutting-edge button mapping technology to a traditional touchscreen tablet. Our easy-to-use button mapping tool allows you to assign buttons to the touchscreen anyway you want. This means you can play virtually any game using the physical buttons and analog thumb-sticks.
For a Google Android gaming tablet, the TUVVA Power Play GameTab looks pretty good with a lot of features like buttons, controllers, and joysticks. The button mapping app also looks pretty easy to use.
looks like a enlarged PSP hand held with *looks closely at the right hand side.* is that the old SNES button input?

Looks like whoever made this rip off past ideas.
I agree, it looks like a enlarge PSP.

At least, the maker understand that a lot of gamers don't like innovation like motion control and virtual reality, and like sticking to past designs.