Twilight Remake


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I know they've announced that they're remaking the Harry Potter series but they're making it into a tv show. I've been hearing that they're going to do the same thing with the Twilight series. Has anyone heard of this besides me? Can anyone confirm?
I know they've announced that they're remaking the Harry Potter series but they're making it into a tv show. I've been hearing that they're going to do the same thing with the Twilight series. Has anyone heard of this besides me? Can anyone confirm?
Oh I hope not!
Well, I thought it was too soon to remake the Harry Potter series but they're doing that anyway. So why not a Twilight remake?

Now, I can do without the whole "Will Bella choose Edward or Jacob?" argument going around. We already know which one she chooses and what all goes down. So there shouldn't be any "Team Edward" or "Team Jacob" stuff.
Well, I thought it was too soon to remake the Harry Potter series but they're doing that anyway. So why not a Twilight remake?

Now, I can do without the whole "Will Bella choose Edward or Jacob?" argument going around. We already know which one she chooses and what all goes down. So there shouldn't be any "Team Edward" or "Team Jacob" stuff.

No its going to be much worse, its going to give rise to old team Edward vs new team Edward and so forth.
I loved the Twilight saga movies. I even own the discs when we found them at garage sales for cheap. Wasn't sure I'd like it when it first came out as it's geared towards teens but I got hooked. I'd like to see the alternate version made of the book. Where the human is the male & the vampire is the female.
I haven't heard anything about this remake, but I think it would be interesting if maybe it was a mini series. If it's a series, they could really extend it and expand upon the storyline and maybe we could see more about Bella growing up first before she went to live with her dad. Maybe more about Jacob and how he has to deal with things with the other wolves. I suppose even more flashbacks with the vamps would be interesting. What do you think?
I haven't heard anything about this remake, but I think it would be interesting if maybe it was a mini series. If it's a series, they could really extend it and expand upon the storyline and maybe we could see more about Bella growing up first before she went to live with her dad. Maybe more about Jacob and how he has to deal with things with the other wolves. I suppose even more flashbacks with the vamps would be interesting. What do you think?
The possibilities are endless! I know they had short films detailing some of the characters. i.e. a mini backstory of how Esme met Carlisle but they used different actors. They could expand on that so easily. Not to mention the other clans.
I wouldn't mind seeing how everyone joined Carlisle's clan. We got to see a little bit about how Edward got started and we know from the books how Rosalie ended up there. But I wouldn't mind seeing a little more back story on that.

But it will all depend on how they can fit that into the story or not.
If they are indeed going to do something like this, I just hope it isn't as cringe worthy in watching the acting, like a number of the scenes were like in the movies. I liked the general idea of the movie, but felt like they could have done better with it.
They can look at what's done with The Originals in doing something with it for a TV show. This is the only way they may be able to do what's going to hold. I didn't like the movies very much but it's not totally bad.