Twitch.TV ?


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Just wondering how many of you are seemingly addicted with watching online streamers. I initially started watching because of the League of Legends streams, but took a liking to Hearthstone and more recently the Blizzard Moba (name escapes me).

If you guys use it, what games do you tend to watch? Any specific streamers that catch your eye and why?
I watched a lot of Twitch Plays Pokemon. Otherwiss I don't really care about watching streams. If I'm ever in a situation where I can watch a stream I also have access to tech to just play games. And I know I'll enjoy that a whole lot more.
I watched some hearthstone streams in the past but generally I get frustrated with streamers and end up hitting alt f4. I haven't watched anyone on twitch for months now and I'm getting more work done because of it and can just play games myself :) That Blizzard game you watch is called "Heroes of the storm"
I am pretty addicted to watching speed runners. Most of them don't get to many viewers almost all of the are less than 1000 but most of them are pretty entertaining. It gets a little repetitive sometimes because since they are trying to beat the game in the fastest amount of time one mistake causes them to restart the game. League of Legends is my go to game as well. Lately I find myself just watching LCS though.
I have looked up and watched a couple of League of Legends related streams but they generally freeze up quite a bit for me. The lagginess sucks out the enjoyment and I can't even pause them to let them buffer because it's live, but I don't feel like watching old videos either. Well, I probably could do that though. Still, waiting for buffering isn't fun to me. I would if it was faster.
I'm addicted to watching Solforge gameplay. It really helps me work on my deck builds and also shows me all of the popular cards for the week's meta. I also love watching League of Legends, but then again who doesn't enjoy watching a good League match?
I have found out about Twitch just a month or 2 ago. I do like to watch some people play the game that I play almost daily. It's a smaller "dying" online game called Puzzle Pirates. But yea basically, I do like to watch them.

It shows me how others play compared to me. Also helps me improve in areas of the game, so it's really neat.