Two type of gamers...

I'm a little of both, but a lot comes from the left side.
I find myself learning to the right in most cases.

There are some though, like for range, I am comfortable sniping (though I'm not one of those who can get kills at like 1.5Km away... But up to 500 in-game meters? Keep your head down or I'll put an extra hole in it) or grabbing a shotgun and getting up close and personal.  Similarly I like both 1st and 3rd person. And for stealth or offensive... I like the option to pick either. I mean there are times when I love just going in guns blazing. But then there are also times when I just want to sneak in and stab them all from behind.

I do prefer playing female characters mostly though. Simply because they are often smaller and narrower. So it's just a tiny bit more difficult to hit them. And if that slight difference allows me to dodge one hit to stay alive and return fire to kill them? I'll take that advantage. (Even though, realistically, the hitboxes are probably the same anyway.)

Though for travel... Flying. Always flying. I love Battlefield for the ability to jump into a jet or helicopter and just take off. To lay down a stream of missiles or rockets onto an enemy makes my day.