Multi Ubisoft Announces Next Gen Games


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Ubisoft has confirmed that Watch Dogs Legion, Rainbow Six Quarantine, and Gods and Monsters will all be released as cross-generation games, meaning they will be on PS4 and PS5, and Xbox One and Xbox Scarlett.

The news was announced by CEO Yves Guillemot in a Q&A session held after Ubisoft’s earnings for the first half of the 2020 financial year were revealed. Not only will the games, which were recently delayed from early 2020 slots, be available on PS5 and Xbox Scarlett, but they will also take advantage of the new features and hardware offered by the machines.

Guillemot also mentioned that, in addition to Watch Dogs, Rainbow Six, and Gods and Monsters, there will be a further two AAA games released in the same fiscal year. These games have yet to be announced.
Need a new Prince Of Persia or Splinter Cell or Single Player Rainbow Six game like the old Rainbow Six games.
Hopefully they will be able to do the cross-generation better than the last occurrence; I was working for Ubisoft back in 2013-2014 for the release of Watchdogs PS3/PS4, and the current-gen version was basically the next-gen version but stripped down of the best visual effects (shadowing, textures...) and a little bit less gameplay to encourage people to get the new console.
Not to say it was very bad, but commercial incentives usually mean that those of us who don't rush to buy the newest console right away don't get a similar experience :confused:
Hopefully they will be able to do the cross-generation better than the last occurrence; I was working for Ubisoft back in 2013-2014 for the release of Watchdogs PS3/PS4, and the current-gen version was basically the next-gen version but stripped down of the best visual effects (shadowing, textures...) and a little bit less gameplay to encourage people to get the new console.
Not to say it was very bad, but commercial incentives usually mean that those of us who don't rush to buy the newest console right away don't get a similar experience :confused:

It's why I wait for the new stuff, these days there is always fixes, patches and new content released a few weeks after.