Multi Ubisoft confirm Assassins Creed Odyssey


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After what we can only imagine were some pretty tense marketing meetings, Ubisoft has decided to confirm what a keychain suggested earlier today. We will see Assassin's Creed Odyssey at E3.
Source: Assassin's Creed Odyssey is the next AC game and it's headed to Greece (according to this keychain) | GamesRadar+

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Seems they have already (annoyingly) ditched the 2 year release cycle that they just promised. So not sure how much unique things this will benefit from. I feel Origins was good because they had extra development time. Guess time will tell.
I feel Origins was good because they had extra development time.

I'll be completely honest here: I'm not happy with Ubisoft. I genuinely feel that giving Origins more time was what made it such a good game. It's basic logic. Giving any piece of work more time and attention is bound to polish and improve it in very important ways. Ditching the two year release cycle means that Ubisoft are getting arrogant again. Odyssey takes place in one of my all-time favorite historical settings, and I really wanted them to do a good job with this game.

Most people would say "But just wait until you play the game to criticize them, give it a chance first." While that's true to some degree, Ubisoft also doesn't have a track record that has earned them the privilege of "the benefit of the doubt." I hope that Odyssey won't be to Origins what Unity was to Black Flag.