E3 Ubisoft's New Rpg


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Orpheus Project, I swear someone else used that name. Sony?

Anyways, sounds good.

There's an Audio project also called that too.

Indeed and it could be a Greek mythology rpg thing with the name Orpheus.
So the game is called Gods And Monsters, saw the teaser and read Kotaku's interview with the game's creative director, Dumont:

Gods & Monsters is an action-adventure game set on the Island of the Blessed. Players customize a character who can run around a vast world, jumping, swinging a sword, shooting a bow and arrow, floating from high perches using a special bird power, can use some sort of telekinetic ability to toss trees at enemies and has their movement limited by an exhaustible stamina meter.

If that sounds familiar, Dumont would say he’s flattered, as he did to me when I asked about the seeming similarities to Nintendo’s great 2017 Zelda game.
“It’s flattering that we can be compared to that, but from a storytelling point of view it’s going to be a very unique adventure,” Dumont said. “The abilities will change, as well as the scope of how it blows up. It is influenced a lot more by Odyssey in that sense mechanically. The fact that we can choose and create our own character and customize it as well, there’s quite a bit that will make it its own.”

A Greek myth take on the model of Zelda, one of the greatest games of all time, isn’t such a bad thing. Distinctive elements include the idea that the game is presented as a tale told by the poet Homer to his grandchildren. Dumont and Côté said that the game trades heavily on the research theAssassin’s Creed Odyssey team did about Greek mythology while making that game. Gods & Monsters is a more all-ages game than Odyssey and is illustrated with a bright, more painterly style. The player is the most courageous hero of all time, a character called Phoenix who can be equipped with special ability-enhancing gear and who will venture into the underworld to fight monsters of myth.

Gods & Monsters will be available for Google Stadia, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One on February 25, 2020.