Uh.....everything is meaningless in the long run?


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Have you guys ever thought, what we have been doing is pretty much meaningless, after trillions of years and everything dies? In the black hole era or at the time of big crunch or after our sun's death.....whatever we have gained ....everything will be gone forever.
Let's say humans escaped into the space for survival but for how long?
They can run out of oxygen and other gases or some machine failures may occur or some debris can harm the spaceship. What about the fuel? If sun isn't there, we can't possibly use any solar energy and fuel wouldn't last forever.

Uh....what I am trying to say is, humans and other species will die and there will be nothing left except for wreckage. All the knowledge we have gained, everything we have been doing is for nothing. It's as if nothing ever happened. Do you ever think that everything is pretty much meaningless, in the very long run? Not trying to be pessimistic....but I am watching and reading too much about space exploration and I can't help but think about this stuff....
The only answer is....we are trying to satisfy our curiosity and nothing more.
It's not about the end but the journey.
It's not about the end but the journey.
I will have to agree with that, I suppose.

I read news articles like What is the simulation hypothesis? Why some think life is a simulated reality that we maybe living in a computer simulation or a computer game, so if this is true, our information and things may still exist in a computer storage drive on someone's computer.
Lol....that's something.
When I think about stuff, it's pretty depressing.
Let's make this world a better place for future generations while we still can. Millions of years of evolution and development, all of which are for the future.