UK M'Soft Head: Wii Limited


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The latest brick hurled in the console melee: Neil Thompson, Senior regional director of the entertainment and devices division at Microsoft UK, Told MCV: “Nintendo are doing very well and they’ve done a great job at expanding the market in certain areas, but there is a limit in terms of what you can do with Wii and there is a very definite limit on the expandability of that product.

“I think in this generation we’ve absolutely been the innovative force in terms of what a next generation console should look like and how people should think about it. I don’t think we were innovative enough with the first console, so we did learn a lot from that."

That's how polite people with nice cars say 'Wii sux! LOL!"
Because there are so many differences between the original X-box and the 360. I know they did a shitload of stuff with the market place and all for live...but the actual consoles themselves aren't much different from each other.
QUOTE (Seaofclouds @ September 27, 2007 11:04 pm) Because there are so many differences between the original X-box and the 360. I know they did a shitload of stuff with the market place and all for live...but the actual consoles themselves aren't much different from each other.
wow sea i didn't know you're capabable of swearing *hides*
QUOTE (lordrrr @ September 30, 2007 01:53 pm) QUOTE (Seaofclouds @ September 27, 2007 11:04 pm) Because there are so many differences between the original X-box and the 360. I know they did a shitload of stuff with the market place and all for live...but the actual consoles themselves aren't much different from each other.
wow sea i didn't know you're capabable of swearing *hides*

Aww, sorry Lordrrr....I didn't even realize that I did.
I guess it's the whole anti-microsoft thing.