Writing Unexpected Ways To Use Books


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Unexpected Ways To Use Books

Books have always been a staple in the world of literature. However, books can be used for much more than just reading. Here are ten unexpected uses for books.

Secret storage:

You can use a hardcover book for storing small items like jewelry, cash, or an extra key.
By removing the inside pages of a book, you can make a hollow space where you can store your belongings.

The steps:

1) Choose a hardcover book with a thick spine that will be large enough to hold your items.

Hold the book pages together to effectively cut a storage cavern without the paper moving around too much.

Use some diamond glaze to accomplish that!

Around the edges of the book pages, generously coat them with Diamond Glaze and allow them to dry.

As a result, you can make a solid cut into the book with your exacto knife. It will anchor the pages together.

2) Draw a rectangle a few centimeters smaller than the size of the pages on the book's first page after opening it.

Use an exacto knife or box cutter to cut along your drawn lines.
Continue doing this, but leave at least one or two pages at the bottom.
After cutting almost all the pages, remove the stray pieces of paper.

3) Apply Diamond Glaze to the bottom of your cut's final page. Use your paintbrush to apply that glaze all over the interior sides of the rectangular area, giving it a thick, protective coat.

4) After that, close the book after placing your small items in the compartment.

You now have your secret storage compartment.

Monitor stand

Books can be used as a monitor stand to raise your computer screen to a more comfortable height. Doing this will help reduce neck and eye strain while you work.

The steps:

1) Choose a book or two that are sturdy and large enough to support your computer screen.

2) Place the book or books vertically on your desk with the spine facing forward.

3) Change how far away your book is from your computer screen until you find the best viewing angle.

If the book is too small or unstable, you can stack more books or use a bookend to support it.

You can also decorate the book with paint, washi tape, or other decorative items to match your workspace.
Ensure the book won't slide or topple over and is strong enough to hold your computer screen.


If you're an avid reader, you know you can always have a few bookmarks, and books can be used as bookmarks. You can use a slip of paper or even a leaf to mark your place, but using an actual book can add some personality to your reading experience.

The Steps:

Choose a page from an old book with an interesting design, quote, or image you like.

2) Cut the page into a strip about 2 inches wide and 6 inches long.

3) Use a hole punch to create a hole at the top of the bookmark. Tie a ribbon or string through the hole to create a tassel.

Use decorative scissors or a corner punch to give the bookmark a decorative edge if you want to.

These bookmarks make great gifts for book lovers, or you can keep them for yourself in your reading adventures.

Gift wrap

Books can be used as gift wrap. You can create a unique and interesting present by wrapping a gift in pages from an old book.

The steps:

1) Select a book with an interesting cover or title relevant to the recipient or occasion. For example, you can choose a book with a birthday cake or balloons on the cover if it's a birthday gift.

2) The book must then be used to wrap your present. First, make sure the book is the appropriate size by comparing it to your gift.

3) Open the book and place the item inside, ensuring it is centered and secure. You can use tissue paper or wrapping paper inside the book to protect the item or add a pop of color. You
Also, fold the edges of the pages over the gift. Use a bit of tape or glue to secure the pages in place.

4) Make sure the object is still secure before carefully closing the book. To keep the book shut, use a rubber band or ribbon.

It is a great way to add a personal touch to your gift wrapping and make your gift stand out.

Picture frame

Photos can be displayed in books which is a fantastic way to display your prized photos or works of art.

The steps;

Pick a hardcover book slightly bigger than the photo or piece of artwork you want to use. Also, make sure the spine and cover are in good shape.

2) Use a ruler and pencil to draw a square or rectangle in the center of the page for the pages you want to cut.

Use an X-Acto knife or scissors to cut out the square or rectangle you drew carefully.

3) Use glue or double-sided tape to attach the photo or artwork to the inside of the book cover, behind the cut-out square or rectangle. Make sure the photo or artwork is centered and secured.

4) Close the book and display it on a bookshelf or table, with the cut-out square or rectangle facing outwards.

Book Journal

A unique and interesting way to reuse a book is to turn it into a journal.
It gives you a book you may no longer be interested in and lets you make a personalized and unique journal that you can use for many different things.

The steps:

1) It would be best to have a robust book that can function well as a journal. For a starting point, choose a hardcover book with a sturdy spine. Take off the book's dust jacket and any additional covers.

2) Next, carefully remove the pages from the book. You can do this using a craft knife to cut along the spine or carefully tearing the pages out. If you tear the pages, do so carefully and cleanly so that the pages don't have ragged edges. Once you have removed the pages, you can start creating your journal.

3) Cut some new paper to the same size as the book's pages or slightly smaller if you want a border around your pages. Plain white, lined, or patterned paper can add visual interest.

4) Apply glue to the book's spine and carefully attach the folded pages. You can use clamps or a heavy book to keep the pages in place while the glue dries.
Once your journal is assembled, you can start decorating it to make it your own. Add stickers, washi tape, or other decorative elements to the cover and pages of your journal. You can also write your name or a title for your journal on the cover using a marker or paint pen.

Recipe holder

You can use books to create a unique and functional recipe holder.

You can prop up a book, and by placing your recipe card on it, you can keep your recipe in view while you cook.

Or you can create recipe holders in a book.

The steps:

1) Pick a book to start with that you are okay with cutting into. Also, pick a book with a strong spine that can keep its shape when opened.

2) Open the book to the first page and use the knife, exacto knife, box cutter, or scissors to cut out a rectangle from the center of the page, leaving a border around the edges. Doing this will create a space for your recipe card or page. You can also repeat this process with several pages, leaving enough space between each of your recipe pages to fit comfortably.

3) Once you have cut out enough pages, add some glue to the bottom of the pages to help hold them together. You can also add some glue to the book's spine to help keep it in place.

Book planters

You can turn books into planters.

Simply hollow out the book's centre and add soil and a plant. Doing this can be a great way to add a touch of greenery to your home.

The steps:

1) Use a book you are willing to cut into, some soil, and a plant. You can use any book, but thicker books will work better as they will provide more space for the plant to grow. You will also need a sharp knife, an x-acto knife, a box cutter, and some glue.

2) Use a ruler to make sure that the border is even.
Use the knife to cut a rectangle from the page's center on the book's first page after opening it.
After you cut through the first page, cut through the remaining pages of the book, leaving a thin border at the edges.
Cut slowly and carefully to avoid damaging the spine or the pages.

3) Use glue or spray adhesive to adhere the book's pages together after you've cut through all of its pages to help keep it bound and prevent it from fluttering around when you move it.

4) Line the inside of the edges with a plastic container.

The plastic container will keep your book pages from getting wet once you put the plant in it.

5) You can first add rocks to make them more decorative.

Place your plant in the center of the book after adding dirt there. Add more soil around the book's edges to assist, support, and hold the plant in place.
Choose a small plant that does not require a lot of water.
Succulents and cacti are great options, as they are easy to care for and don't require much maintenance.

Try this and see what kind of beautiful book planters you can create.

Book art

Books can also be used as a medium for creating art. From simple sculptures made from folded pages to book folding, there are countless ways to use books to create beautiful and thought-provoking art.

Book folding is another type of book art which entails a certain manner of folding book pages to produce a three-dimensional object or image. Every book can be folded; however, thick-paged hardcover volumes work best for this technique.

Books can also be used to create installations and other large-scale works of art. For example, the "Tower of Babel" installation by artist Marta Minujn used thousands of banned books to create a tower over 82 feet high.

The books themselves can be works of art. Popular novels are sometimes released in special editions with distinctive covers, artwork, and other design features.


Books can be used as paperweights to keep papers from flying away. It's especially useful if you work in a windy area or have many papers on your desk.

A small paperback book can hold down a few papers, while a larger hardcover book can keep a stack of papers in place.

As you can see:
As you can see, books can be put too many surprising uses. There are several innovative applications for books, like storing recipes or concealing valuables. Hence, the next time you consider throwing away some old books, stop and consider how you may utilize them distinctively and intriguingly.
Paper weight is always my go to lol.
Hiding your passwords in bookmarks so small you have to open the book to find them.
Thanks for the interesting article.

I sometimes use books as paperweights to prevent papers from falling off a desk.
I only use books for the purpose of reading. I never would have though of using some of the other things on this list.
Great ideas! At a resale shop we go to every so often, they have a bunch of books for sale. Some of the older ones, they strung together to create a "book arch". Was very nicely done!