US Army Secretary Lays Out Strategy for War with China


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Source - US Army Secretary Lays Out Strategy for War with China

The Biden administration official with direct responsibility for the U.S. Army laid out in surprising detail this week a multi-pronged strategy for deterring, and if necessary, prevailing in any future war with China.

“I personally am not of the view that an amphibious invasion of Taiwan is imminent,” U.S. Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth told an audience at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) on Monday. “But we obviously have to prepare, to be prepared to fight and win that war.”

Elements of the plan include placing more troops in Asia and arming them with upgraded equipment, including ship-to-shore vessels and hypersonic weapons, much of which will be pre-positioned in the region.

“Our goal is to avoid fighting a land war in Asia,” Wormuth said. “I think the best way to avoid fighting that war is by showing China and countries in that region we can actually win that war.”

Key components of 'campaigning'

Wormuth laid out three key components of what she called “campaigning” by the U.S. Army to deter such a war, beginning with coalition building with foreign allies and partners to “complicate” the Chinese leadership’s decision-making.

Secondly, she said, the Army is looking at building “theater distribution centers” in the region to stockpile supplies and fuel, “starting, potentially, with Australia.” Wormuth also named Japan as a potential site, and she suggested that non-lethal equipment might be stored in the Philippines and Singapore.

The third element of the deterrence campaign is to place visible, combat-credible, forces in the region, Wormuth said. “Our goal is to have Army forces in the Indo-Pacific seven to eight months out of the year.”

Should deterrence fail, Wormuth told the AEI audience, the U.S. Army, which she calls “the linchpin force,” has five core tasks.

First of all, “it’s going to be our job to establish, then build up, then secure and protect, staging bases for the Navy, for the Marines, for the Air Force, and that’s why we’re really building out integrated air and missile defense capabilities, for example, to be able to protect those kinds of staging bases that are going to be key,” she said.

The second core task is sustaining the joint force, “and that’s where those theater distribution centers come into play. We offer the opportunity to provide secure communications to the broader force, to again provide intra-theater sustainment, to set up munition stockpiles, setting up forward air refueling points, protecting them.”

All of the above is going to be critically important, she said, “given the vast distances we’re looking at.”

Wormuth said the Army is also expanding its fleet of watercraft, noting a watercraft company will be established in Japan. A company-sized military unit could have anywhere from a few dozen to 200 soldiers.

The Army currently reports having a fleet of 132 such watercraft, suitable for ferrying troops and equipment from deep-water vessels to beaches and shorelines, as well as conducting towing and salvage operations.

Wormuth said the Army’s fourth key task, already underway, is to update its arsenal and develop other capabilities traditionally not normally associated with a land-based force.

“We’ve actually got our first battery of long-range hypersonic weapons,” she said, adding she expects this battery to be in service by autumn and become part of “the Army’s first multi-domain task force.”

“And the last thing we do, of course, is to provide counter-attack forces if they’re needed,” she said. “There’s a lot of discussion on how that would work in which different scenarios.”

Wormuth pointed out another critical role for the Army should a conflict break out with China — that of defending the American homeland.

“If we got into a major war with China, the United States homeland would be at risk as well, with both kinetic attacks and non-kinetic attacks,” she said. “Whether it’s cyberattacks on the power grids, or on pipelines, the United States Army, I have no doubt, will be called to provide defense support to civil authorities.”

This critical function of the Army, Wormuth said, is often “put as an asterisk,” that is as an afterthought, which is a mistake, she said.

The Chinese military “are going to go after the will of the United States public, they’re going to try to erode support for a conflict,” she said. “I think the Army will play a role here at home.”

Asked by VOA whether she believes Americans are prepared to sustain the level of casualties that could be expected in a war with China, she said she believes they are willing to fight for their homeland and ideals if and when it becomes necessary, “like we did in World War II.”

Ultimately, she said, “land power is staying power, that’s what we’re about.”
I feel like announcing this is not the best of ideas.
Making such announcement means they are ready to lose. You don't make this kind of announcement especially as it bothers on wars.
Making such announcement means they are ready to lose. You don't make this kind of announcement especially as it bothers on wars.

The taiwan coalition won't lose. China will be completely alone and isolated in this endeavor, they have too many enemies among the countries that matter except russia and russia's days of being a superpower are on their way out. They are not winning against the Taiwanese, US, Australia, Philippines, S korea and japan. A lot more western countries will also come into the fray in a dragged out conflict.

Plus they import so much food and oil to function, any embargo of chinese shipping lanes will completely cripple them. If they go for some shock and awe tactic and destroy all military outposts near taiwan and US ships (Aircraft carriers??) and then go in it has a better chance of working but that kind of troop buildup will be seen days or weeks in advance. And if they somehow occupy the island the semiconductor fabs will be completely destroyed so they will get none of the technology advantage taiwan enjoys. I see nothing but loss and misery for china if they think to go on this little adventure.
I feel like announcing this is not the best of ideas.

My thoughts exactly!

Not unless they plan on doing something else entirely and they just put this out there in the hopes that China will see it and think that they have our strategy. Kind of like setting a trap for them, you know?