US President Biden touts electric vehicle investments at Detroit auto show


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President Joe Biden announced a $900 million investment to help build chargers across 53,000 miles of the national highway system.

I hope the $900 million investment in chargers across 53,000 miles of the national highway system will create a lot of manufacturing jobs for Americans, and help improve the environment.

Joe Biden looks very enthusiastic when talking about electric cars and public chargers for EV cars.
They should also invest in upgrading power grids. If you don’t, you’ll run into a situation like California with their push for EV’s while also having constant blackouts.
They should also invest in upgrading power grids. If you don’t, you’ll run into a situation like California with their push for EV’s while also having constant blackouts.
This. The way it is now and until it gets better the power would just disappear and ruin a lot of electronics. Also even though I live in the middle of nowhere, we lose voltage in the summer. Because they are forcing this, they just want us to impossibly consume less power. When it turns out to be a need then we'll be out of liveable conditions.
Blackouts is the way of the future.

That is unfortunate that Blackouts are the way of the future.

Hopefully, more people are ready for blackouts by buying canned food, bottled water, electric generators and backup batteries to store power to use during blackouts, so people without cell phones can make emergency phone calls to the police, fire, or ambulance department with a landline phone which sometimes need power from a power brick to turn on.

Maybe people should use more low powered gadgets like eReaders, Nintendo gameboys, netbooks, small tablets, and pick more energy efficient appliances, and drive electric vehicles like an electric golf carts and scooters, so they won't strain the electric grid as much.