Verizon decides to mercilessly kill Samsung’s Note 7 after all


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Verizon just revealed that it will be sending the update to all Note 7 users on January 5th, giving users a grace period of about two weeks between when Samsung issues the update on December 19th and the day their phones will die.

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I think it would be a good idea to start looking for a new smartphone as soon as possible if you own a Samsung Note 7 which had a few fires in recent months.

It is concerning to know that there are still some people who actively use the Note 7 which can explode in their face, or cause a fire outdoors, in their home, and other places.
Must have gotten some good money to change their mind.
Well, I guess Verizon were somehow legally obligated to kill the devices otherwise they might have been the target of several lawsuits.
Well, I guess Verizon were somehow legally obligated to kill the devices otherwise they might have been the target of several lawsuits.

The risk of lawsuits maybe one reason that Verizon kill the device.

Verizon will get a bad reputation if a Samsung Note 7 from Verizon exploded in someone face or body, and started a fire in someone's car, house, plane, school, or workplace. It is very hard to recover a company reputation once you harmed a user or damage people's property like their house or car. Sometimes, companies even have to go bankrupt, or close down if the legal fees, and poor reputation is damaged beyond repair.