VGA 2010 Ratings


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The Video Game Awards are a high-profile event, but trade mainstream exposure for a production some gamers find cheaply stereotypical. That bargain still hasn't conclusively paid off; overall ratings declined for a third straight year, but gained in some demographics.

Variety reports that Saturday's production delivered 627,000 viewers to Spike, a 3 percent drop from last year. While Nielsen will consider DVR playbacks through Dec. 18 in the final figure, "in all, Spike's big gaming party is becoming less and less of a must see event for the industry's top fan," Variety concludes.

Hamfisted dialogue, lowest-common-denominator jokes with telegraphed punchlines, and presenters butchering video game titles would seem to redound to that.

In core advertising demographics, however, the VGAs made some impressive strides: Men 18-34 showed a 15 percent increase: adults of both genders, 18-49, were up 12 percent and adults 18-34 were up 5 percent.


I think the VGA needs a over hall. drop the no video game playing actors, make the sure a hour and just fill it with all game stuff with no commercials.
No commercials? You wish, hahaha. The day America has a legit commercial free airing is the day I laugh my self to death.
If they really want to improve the VGA's, here is what they need to do:

- The show should be seamless.
Celebrities should not be making fun of the teleprompter or mentioning about the visuals happening at home or anything like that. It just calls attention to the administration side of things, and those should be hidden so people can focus on enjoying the show.

- Don't use any more C or D list celebrities.
Most of the people on the show were unknowns to me, so it's hard for me to get excited for someone when they say it's . My reaction is: "Who?"
You want big names, names people know and recognise since these will attract more attention to the show because people will want to see their favourite actors/actresses.

- Avoid the jokes.
Really, unless you're 100% certain the joke is original and funny, avoid it. Otherwise you risk having the audience groan at the person delivering the bad joke. (Neil Harris's jokes about dirty video game titles? Yeah... these were terrible.)

- Decent Musical Performers.
Pick a more popular rock band, (or shock horror... maybe get something from VideoGames Live. You know, something to do with games.) not My Chemical Romance or Snoop Dogg. (Which I'm not a rap fan by any stretch, but Snoop Dogg's performance was one of the laziest ones I'd ever seen. He looked like he was falling asleep during the performance and he was rapping.)

- Add more variety to the nominations.
The same games won over and over again. Some of which, (Black Ops) won for things which I don't even think they should have been nominated for. (Character of the year.)
And as far as the console specific awards, don't use multi-platform releases on console exclusive categories. Since it's pretty much honouring them too which doesn't look so good for your console when your best games are multi-platforms.
I'd say keep some celebrities since the star power will likely attract people to watch. (Plus it's always nice to see some big names show up.) Though I would think some celebrities might actually game (perhaps not a lot... but still some.) Either way though make sure they aren't flubbing the game titles... It's not so bad if you're talking to your friends, but you're on a stage with thousands if not millions watching. And it just looks bad on you if you mess up the title, it's like you don't even know anything about the game. They just grabbed you off the street and said: "Hey, read this line for us. We'll give you cake."

Or perhaps they could have some famous Voice Actors/Actresses do bits, like 2 years ago when Mark Hamill voiced Joker for the Batman: Arkham City reveal. I think that would be pretty cool. Nathan Drake doing some awards? Masterchief? Mario? I think gamers would appreciate that more than some D-list celeb.

Though for including the IGN/G4... G4 did have someone there didn't they? (I thought the hostess, the one who tried to take over for Neil Harris did work for G4.)
For including gamers themselves... what sort of thing did you have in mind for that?
I'd say keep some celebrities since the star power will likely attract people to watch. (Plus it's always nice to see some big names show up.) Though I would think some celebrities might actually game (perhaps not a lot... but still some.) Either way though make sure they aren't flubbing the game titles... It's not so bad if you're talking to your friends, but you're on a stage with thousands if not millions watching. And it just looks bad on you if you mess up the title, it's like you don't even know anything about the game. They just grabbed you off the street and said: "Hey, read this line for us. We'll give you cake."

Or perhaps they could have some famous Voice Actors/Actresses do bits, like 2 years ago when Mark Hamill voiced Joker for the Batman: Arkham City reveal. I think that would be pretty cool. Nathan Drake doing some awards? Masterchief? Mario? I think gamers would appreciate that more than some D-list celeb.

Though for including the IGN/G4... G4 did have someone there didn't they? (I thought the hostess, the one who tried to take over for Neil Harris did work for G4.)
For including gamers themselves... what sort of thing did you have in mind for that?

she's a ex AOTS host.