Video Game Journalists Supporting Confessed Pedophile?


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Obvious warning: This is an absolutely horrible subject that I really didn't need to hear about in regards to video game journalism. But yeah, read this:

So, what do you think would happen with someone who clearly loves breaking the law and abusing people? Logically you'd think the journalism world would denounce them pretty quickly, unless they were idiots. I mean, look at what happened after similar scandals in the UK.

But no. Apparently, because said individual is against GamerGate, some of these morons will support a scumbag like this:

But hey, actual research is apparently something to forego unless they disagree with you. Newsflash; you can be liberal or conservative or anything else and still think someone is a morally bankrupt sociopath, regardless of their political views.

Screw this industry.
Obvious warning: This is an absolutely horrible subject that I really didn't need to hear about in regards to video game journalism. But yeah, read this:

So, what do you think would happen with someone who clearly loves breaking the law and abusing people? Logically you'd think the journalism world would denounce them pretty quickly, unless they were idiots. I mean, look at what happened after similar scandals in the UK.

But no. Apparently, because said individual is against GamerGate, some of these morons will support a scumbag like this:

But hey, actual research is apparently something to forego unless they disagree with you. Newsflash; you can be liberal or conservative or anything else and still think someone is a morally bankrupt sociopath, regardless of their political views.

Screw this industry.
Fuck Isis, fuck Obama, fuck the kennedy's, fuck the clintons, fuck David Rockefeller, fuck the Rothschild family and fuck the illuminati too!

There's a video online that I would recommend that you and the guys online.

You have to see this documentary. It will make you feel sick and disgusting knowing that such things exist. Years after most of them are dead.
I'm not saying that this will open your eyes to true evil. I'm saying that once you watch this video on the website. You will never be the same again. Trust me? I died years ago when I saw this video online. And ever since than... Most of the stuff they speak for their people are all lies.
If I were to have kids in the future. (Which I hope not!) I'll make sure they never end up in hell like I have for the past 22 years of my life.