Other Video Game Voice Actor Strike?


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SAG-AFTRA which is the union that looks after voice actors for video games and other media. Is mulling over whether to strike in order to obtain better conditions for its members.

Specifically, they want it enshrined in contacts that there’s better protection and pay for when a role requires physically demanding voice work (such as repeated loud screams), clearer definition between the roles of voice actors and motion-capture actors (the former is often expected to do the latter unexpectedly) and performance bonuses should a game sell over 2 million copies.

Why strike though? The union and video game publishers met first in February and then in June to try and sort out a new contract for voice actors, and were unable to come to an agreement. So a vote is going down early next month and should over 75% of members agree, then all union members working on video games will go on strike.

Should you be wondering how hard the job is, here’s a post by Wil Wheaton talking about his experiences in the job, and why he’s supporting the vote to strike.

But not everyone supports it.

update (10/7):

The video game voice actors’ guild has voted to authorize a strike, Variety reports. This means permission has been given to go on strike should negotiations fall through.

I know voice acting has never been a great career over here in the USA (unlike Japan) for games and anime. Hopefully this doesn't go on strike (and affect anime.)
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I really hope they don't go through with it. It'd be pretty crappy if games got cancelled because of this. There's a lot of games coming in 2016 i'm excited for, so I'm hoping this doesn't go through.

I doubt they be canceled and most likely all 2016 games have their VA work done. But if this strike happens there will be major delay on future games.
I hope for our sake as games that this doesn't happen as it will delay games even more. However, I can understand from their point of view and think the terms outlined are very realistic and should be taken into account by game developers.