Video Games Release Week (6/9/13+)


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Huge week for gamers, Early in the week you learn what will take your money and later in the week PS3 gamers will lose their money to zombies.

Sunday 6/9/13:

  • Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS)
Monday 6/10/13:

  • E3 starts with Sony and MS conference on this day
Tuesday 6/11/13:

  • Nintendo holds their online conference today as well as Square enix's Q&A.
Wednesday 6/12/13:
  • The Golden Years: Way out West (Mac)
  • Zeno Clash II (XBLA)
Thursday 6/13/13:
  •  Mighty Switch Force 2 (3DS)
Friday 6/14/13:
  •  DARK (PC)
  •  The Last of Us (PS3)
Picking up Animal Crossing for my 3DS solely because of the nostalgic value. Also of course I'll be buying Last of Us. It's probably the GOTY. 
Well considering that the only thing that I own that would play any of these games is my PC which would play Dark, but I am not really interested in that title. So, I won't be getting any of these games at all. However, if I did have a 3DS I would definitely pick up Animal Crossing. I have Animal Crossing for my regular DS, and I absolutely love the game. 

My boyfriend might get The Golden Years because he has a Mac, but I highly doubt it. 
The Last Of Us is the must have out of all new releases. Can't wait for that. Hopefully they'll have some easter egg for Uncharted 4! 