Video of Michael Jacksons Ghost, or Shadow spoted during Larry King Interview at Neverland.

Lol i've experianced worse, since when i was a kid my parents own a 210 year old house that held funerals. Also considering that no friends ever wanted to stay over.
Oh hell, Ive seen worse. I lived right next to a cemetery since I was 5... Seen them going in, seen them coming out... not much I haven't seen.
QUOTE (Stosh @ July 07, 2009 07:12 pm)Oh hell, Ive seen worse. I lived right next to a cemetery since I was 5... Seen them going in, seen them coming out... not much I haven't seen.
You into Paranormal too Stosh, I should bring you to Vampire Valley. A Mother Hanged her three children on the bridge outside of her house then burned her self alive and the house. The place is in the middle of the woods but i live only 10 minutes away from it. If stayed there a couple of times by myself, all i have to say that it was a unique experiance.
you two need to start a ghost topic in the off topic forum. I love to see how many posts of ghosts you guys could make. as for this vid, freaky.
I love the paranormal also. I like spotting alien UFO's the best though. Though I do enjoy ghost stories... that are true.
Yeah i like that stuff since i was introduced to it at an early age, and yes my story is true, i went to the Libraey and look at public records from when the time that this happen, i actually found records of it, And i can show you where the location where the house was. I have Pictures of the bridge too.