Views on articles who say Tablets are Dead?


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I think authors of articles which say tablets are dead may not know a lot of tablet users who use tablets to go online, use apps, and play games. They may also be saying tablets are dead for attention, and being dishonest with readers, so they get more money from ads because of more traffic by writing sensationalist articles...

Companies like Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and Samsung would not be releasing as many tablets like the iPad, Surface Pro, Galaxy Tab, and Kindle Fire if there were not enough users.
I don't think they are dead, but its not a market to launch a new tablet and expect it to do well.
I agree its not a market to launch a new tablet brand, and expect to sell millions of tablets.

But, I think there is still a market to sell new tablet brands online, and expect to sell a few hundred to thousand tablets. But, the new tablet would need to have nice features like built-in game controller, good quality, and sold for a cheap price.