Views on learning stuff by yourself without school or tutors?


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I find using books, Wikipedia, websites, blogs, and videos very useful for things I need to learn quickly without spending thousands by attending class.

I mostly used websites to learn about forums, cms, and blog software for installing on my websites.

Learning about topics on my own can be harder, but most of the books and websites I pick are newer, so at least I'm not learning about out dated information which might not be important in a few years.

I think some things you can't learn in school like "how to get a lot of website visitors who join your forum"
I learn a lot of things from the Internet, especially Wikipedia. I've probably looked up more than 1000 articles on there. lol More than school taught me about school stuff... -_-
I actually learned most of the stuff I know from the internet, which was enough for me to pass nearly every class in school. As I never paid attention to them.
I think I have learn more from wiki then from teachers.
I use the internet for help very often. I also like asking teachers, some times.
Haha, school can be very boring. I hate it when it is.
I don't ever use a tutor to learn thingns. If there is something inparticular I want to learn, i'll research it online.