Views on paying a monthly or yearly subscription to read or use a website?


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I probably won't pay unless all the good blogs, websites, and forums start requiring all readers to pay for their articles like the Magazine, Newspaper, and Book companies.

I would pay for online content if the website offers content which other websites do not have, and the videos, articles, music, and pictures quality are professional.
I'd sooner use my money as toilet paper..

please don't use that money to buy something :yucky:

but yeah, you be a fool to pay for a monthly website subscription unless it's a newspaper site.
Does this mean you're a fool if you are willing to pay 3 dollar or more a month for excellent well-written news and articles with high quality and high resolution pictures and HD video which has no ads and not written by an marketer who is trying to sell his products or promote a product in the article for cash which a lot of free news site do?

Is it not worth it paying for a more secure website where the website has a paid security team which makes sure all accounts are as safe as possible from hacks and data leaks? If PSN was a paid service like Xbox Live, Sony might of spent more of its PSN earnings on securing PSN, or at least use some of the extra PSN money they earned to restore PSN back to working condition instead of taking a month to restore service.

Paid websites also can be more fast and reliable since the owner can afford better web hosting, a faster CMS and plug-in, there are no ads, or additional plug-ins to generate revenue, and the website has less traffic since fewer bots, and non-member visitors can access the paid section to slow it down.

NetFlix is an online service which cost about 9 dollars a month, but people are willing to pay for it, but I don't understand why some people disapprove of paying for well written articles, original High quality photos and video embedded in the articles which are rare on many free sites since a large amount of news and articles online are poor to average quality at best which are re-written version of the news from ABC, CBS, CNN, and other major news and entertainment networks.
I'm sorry but Netflix may be $9 a month for the service, but that is still cheaper than what you'd pay going to a movie theater. Instead of spending the money on gas and then the tickets and any snacks and drinks you get, or mass transit in lieu of driving. If I needed to read a news article, then I would much rather buy the news paper than having to pay online for it.

Where security is concerned, that is one thing but even that isn't a guarantee. I am sure that the big companies that were victims of the attacks spared no expense where security was concerned, but look at what happened anyway? I am sorry but in a world where people need to hold on to their jobs so that they can pay for the tangible things needed for survival, such as food, water, rent or mortgage to keep a roof over their heads, clothing, tuition since many are going back to school to improve their odds of getting a better paying job, utilities and gas or mass transit to get where they have to go, are things that are much more important than reading an well written article, high quality photos or videos online.

Previous generations didn't need these things to live their lives, all they needed was the things I mentioned in addition to local news, so they can find out if the serial killer or rapist that was terrorizing their community had been caught, weather, so that they had an idea of what to wear the next day, sports, to check up on their favorite teams and players, and stock, so they can check up on their investments and to see if they'll be soon out of a job, and depending on their work shift, am or pm traffic and transit reports so that they know what what train or bus lines have delays and what roads to avoid because of heavy traffic.

These basic news items can be gotten from any newspaper or broadcast TV station, and being what they are, they HAVE to be accurate as people's lives are dependent on this info, and so, there isn't as much room for error, or personal slant. Previous generations were able to get this info before without paying online, and even before the Internet became what it is today.. Whether it was because they watched TV, listened to the radio, or even read the newspaper to get it, they were still able to get this info regardless.

And about the ads, here's the thing, either use an adblocker, beef up your ad blocking via firewall by banning the ips, or disable JavaScript and you won't see them. I can do this just as easily in my browser with a simple click. No need to pay for an ad free experience that isn't guaranteed. Besides, if I am on the website, listening to the radio or watching the news for important info, then I am not going to let a silly little thing like ads and commercials deter me from that, especially since I know that the ads keep the radio free, I can disable them online using the methods I mentioned, and I can pause, and fast forward through the ads on my DVR. Even if I didn't have DVR, the commercials are not going to deter me from the important info that I'd be listening out for.

That being said, I don't see why we would need to pay for extraneous bells and whistles for something that has to be accurate regardless, because of the level of importance of these reports. Paying for something that you can get for free doesn't seem like a wise thing to do, especially in a world where people are struggling just to keep keep roofs over their heads, clothes on their backs and food on their tables and keep up with basic necessities.

Perhaps my definition of "need" is different from yours in that respect.
Good points, I guest it does depend on a person financial situation or hobby.

I still feel paying a monthly fee of 3-4 dollars can be a great deal for people who love to read Newspapers and Magazines which offer exceptional content (articles, video, and content) since you can also access their archives of older stories written in the past (even articles which were written before the digital age in some cases) for some subscriptions. The money also goes toward supporting local newspapers and magazines which you like, so they can continue to provide content you and many others like to read. Plus, you can save a lot of time and gas in the long run by not going to the newspaper stand or store to pick up the latest newspaper or magazine which sometimes might not be available. Plus, there is nothing to recycle when you are done reading the Newspaper which save time on recycling paper or space if you like to keep all your newspapers to read at a latter date.

There are also some articles which are also very hard to find online for free like niche articles on "classic motorcycle and cars or classic literature" or "The Wallstreet Journal, Time, National Geographic, etc" without sometimes using a search engine to look for it.
Think about it like this, if you live in a major Metropolis like I do, then even paying for a newspaper can be wasteful. I know what I said in my last post but that was in reference to it being an alternative to paying for it online.

Anyway, what I mean is there are several newspapers that you cAn get for free.. Not just because people will leave them on the seat of a bus or subway line for others to read, but because there are printers that have free news papers of their own containing the info that you need and without the fluff.

For example, NYC has both AM New York and NY Metro. I know that the Metro is also printed in other major cities but it all depends on where you live. As I said, people will leave perfectly fine newspapers on park benches, seats, tables, phone booths and there is nothing wrong with them.

If you wanted a newspaper for something specific like coupons or a specific article or column, then you can also stop by 24-hr newsstand and ask for today's paper close to midnight. You should get one free of charge because the stand owners get their money back for whatever newspapers they didn't sell in a day, or magazines that they didn't sell in the month.

All they do is clip out the address box and send it back to where they got it from and throw the magazines or newspapers away. This is why you may see bags or stacks of magazines in front of a news stand at the end of the month and why you see stacks of newspapers being thrown out on a nightly basis.
I rather buy used or unsold/discount price DVD from Blockbuster, Best Buy, Amazon, etc then subscribe to Netflix since it cost about 12 month x 9 Netflix per month = 108 dollars a year not including Sales tax.

I picked up Happy Feet, and Ice Age which both cost about 10 dollars since they were older DVDs which been out years a go.

Plus, there aren't that many movies I want to watch.