views on videos with no sound or background music to YouTube?


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I find it boring when someone uploads a video on to YouTube with no sound, or the sound is too low because the music volume is low, or the person speaking has a very quiet voice.

I think this happens a lot with uploaded music videos and TV shows by regular members where someone filed a copyright claim, and YouTube just disables the music/sound, and let you watch the video, but without sound.

I usually hit the back button, and look for a video with sound, background music or I can hear the person speaking louder.
No body wants the old soundless video days (the black and white movies.) so have sound of some kind or get no views.
I find it boring when somebody does a "top ten" Gaming list and only puts pictures instead of video clips, seems pointless.
I've just put a video up and it has no sound during the actual gameplay footage. I don't like it without sound, but if I put sound on it I will infringe upon copyright.
I think YouTube has a AudioSwap option which lets you use public domain music which YouTube approve of, but there might be ads on your video afterwards.