Violent Video Gaming is a Sin


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Famous evangelical old person and all-around bigot Pat Robertson weighed-in on video game violence, despite never having played one in his life.

“If you’re murdering somebody in cyberspace, in a sense you’re performing the act, you like it or not.” Robertson exclaimed on The 700 Club, comparing playing a violent game to other acts of "virtual sin" like lusting after a woman.

After showing some concern for games like “Maim(?) Killing and Grand Theft Auto” Robertson went on to claim that games will chop off your sensitivity to god and cause you to grow dead in your heart.

Guess I'm going to hell, what about you GF gamers?
Never really got into FPS but gaming generally has activity that they'd consider sinful, although Catholics don't really agree with 99.9% of the fundamentalist shit.
This is similar to the Hijab bull shit that people has taken from the arabian golf's traditions, just because their women are wearing scarves, ours should do the same, it's bull shit to me.
As for violent video gaming, i don't know what's sin about it, i mean, it's actually a good way for an individual to unleash what can't be unleashed in real life under the name of law, so what this guy is saying is also a bull shit.
I'm pretty sure Pat Robertson walks around a lot and therefore kills insects of all kinds on the floor etc so I'm pretty confident he is full of committing sins himself the muppet.
GamerPerfection said:
I'm pretty sure Pat Robertson walks around a lot and therefore kills insects of all kinds on the floor etc so I'm pretty confident he is full of committing sins himself the muppet.
Yes you are, that idiot is full of Non-senses.
GamerPerfection said:
I'm pretty sure Pat Robertson walks around a lot and therefore kills insects of all kinds on the floor etc so I'm pretty confident he is full of committing sins himself the muppet.
According to Christ, we are all sinners.

Also, killing humans is a sin and killing non-humans isn't. Man has dominion over the planets and animals of the Earth in Genesis.
I think there is nothing bad with it, as long as you understand that it's just a game. Some people get violent in real life because they play too violent video games. And they don't care about the age rating either.