Vista Service Pack 2


Full GL Member
Did you know that Microsoft plans to release Service Pack 2 for Vista?

They supposed to release the finalized copy sometime in June, but for now it's out of beta and is a release candidate. I'm just hoping Microsoft will release this service pack to correct many of Windows Vista's performance and compatabilty issues with software, drivers and more rare PC machines that run Vista.
I hope that I can install SP2 since last time I had to reformat my Hard drive and reinstall vista to install SP1.
Since my PC currently has 512MB of RAM, I may need to upgrade its memory to at least 1 to 2GB. That's really the main reason Vista runs a little slower, and not just performance issues with it.
I think 2GB -3GB is Great for Vista. I am running on Vista with 1 GB. It is good for web surfing, light gaming, and office work.

4GB is over kill if your not using Vista 64bit edition which I don't really recommend because some programs and hardware are not compatible with V64bit